Date (yyyy/mm/dd) | Whats new on AtmaDharma? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/03/10 |
2025/02/03 |
Pujya Lalchandbhai's Samadhi Din Feb 2025
Online Pravachan and Discussion Timetable
2025/02/03 |
પૂજ્ય લાલચંદભાઈ મોદીના સમાધિ દિવસ નિમિત્તે..
पूज्य लालचंदभाई मोदी के समाधि दिन निमित पर..
On Rememberance of Pujya Lalchandbhai's Samadhi Day...
2 min intro. video - हिन्दी & ગુજરાતી
For more information Join Telegram Group or WhatsApp Group:
2025/01/14 |
2025/01/13 |
2024/12/08 |
Tattva Churcha with Jitubhai Modi.
2024/11/16 |
2024/11/11 |
2024/11/01 |
Happy Diwali & Happy New year - Veer Samvat 2551
2024/10/23 |
2024/10/11 |
2024/10/08 |
The question:
2024/10/01 |
2024/09/25 |
2024/09/14 |
2024/09/11 |
2024/09/08 |
2024/09/01 |
2024/08/29 |
The Hindi version of Shree Niyamsar has been updated to Version2 - many corrections have been made from errors reported by readers over the years since version 2 was released in 2004 - Be sure to download the latest version |
2024/08/09 | Pujya Lalchandbhai's Word-to-Word Pravachans LA394, LA395, LA396 & LA397 that were already available in Gujarati & Hindi individual files - PDF, subtitle and HTML formats on & websites are now also available in one PDF book Gnaan-Gney-Gnatamai Vastumatra (Gujarati) - Gyan-Gyey-Gyatamai Vastumatra (Hindi) published at Pujya Lalchandbhai's 2024 Janma Jayanti. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/07/31 |
The Gujarati version of Shree Samaysar has been updated to Version 3 - many corrections have been made from errors reported by readers over the years since version 2 was released in 2006 - Be sure to download the latest version |
2024/07/30 |
The following Shastras have been added/updated:
2024/07/04 |
The following Lalchandbhai's pravachans have been updated:
2024/06/30 | The video series Mahan Guru Kahan - in Pujya Shantaben's own voice gives Pujya Gurudev Shri's jeevan parichay - from birth to six months after his svargvas in Gujarati with Hindi Subtitles. The text is also available in PDF: Mahan Guru Kahan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/06/15 | पूज्य लालचंदभाई की ११५वीं जन्मजयंती महोत्सव के उपलक्ष में, प्रस्तुत है आत्मार्थियों के लिए पूज्य गुरुदेवश्री की अमूल्य भेंट પૂજ્ય લાલચંદભાઈની ૧૧૫મી જન્મજયંતી મહોત્સવના પ્રસંગે, પ્રસ્તુત છે આત્માર્થીયો માટે પૂજ્ય ગુરૂદેવશ્રીની અમૂલ્ય ભેંટ For Pujya Lalchandbhai's 115th Janma Jayanti, here is a priceless gift for Atmarthis from Pujya GurudevShree KanjiSwami | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/06/11 | In celebration of ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja) the following is now available: Pravachan number hall_01_1982_07_02 fro the London Hall series is now available in:
2024/06/08 | The hot topics section has been changed to: Jain Hot Topics & Video Shorts- Topics that are hot/controversial. Why? Because new short videos/texts will be added here showing what Self-Experienced/Gyani souls say about hot/controversial topics. See the latest addition about Indriya Gyan .... Gyan Nathi - इन्द्रिय ज्ञान .… ज्ञान नहीं है | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/05/03 |
Many new Pravachans are now available:
2024/04/28 |
2024/03/21 |
Pravachan number LA249 fro the LA series is now available in:
2024/02/14 | More Pravachans new by Pujya Lalchandbhia Modi have been made available in the LA Series. We have now upto 460 pravachans in the LA Series - so pravachans LA458-LA460 are new. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024/01/15 |
2024/01/12 | More Pravachans new by Pujya Lalchandbhia Modi have been made available specially in the LA Series. We have now upto 457 pravachans in the LA Series - so pravachans LA450-LA457 are new. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2025/01/04 | Version 2 of the following new PDF books have been published:- | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/12/25 | Pravachan number 112 of the original 719 is now available in: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/12/24 | One of the Pujya Lalchandbhai's Aksharas Team Members found that original pravachan number 578 - it's video and audio were not the same pravachan. So the video has now been labelled as 578a (and its audio also as 578a) and its topic is tattva churcha - upadan and Parmatma Prakash, Moksh Adhikar, Gatha 14. The original audio of 578 is now labeled as 578b - its topic remains unchanged- Dravya Svabhav Paryay Svabhav. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/12/22 | On a daily basis in the morning Gurudev Shree KanjiSwami used to recite in his mind a sequence of gathas etc. from shastras and gnaanis quotes. The whole sequence in detail is given in Gurudevs Daily Morning Recitation - Mangal Prabhati - in Hindi. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/12/21 | A new picture of Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai standing has been added to the pictures page. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/11/28 |
2023/11/24 |
2023/11/21 |
2023/11/18 |
2023/11/10 | The following 3 prasangik pravachans given by Lalchandbhai in Hindi Language now have hindi PDF and subtitles available: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/09/30 |
Pujya Shree Lalchandbhia Modi's:
2023/09/18 | More Pravachans new by Pujya Lalchandbhia Modi have been made available specially for Pariyushan in the LA Series. We have now upto 440 pravachans in the LA Series - so pravachans LA433-LA440 are new. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/09/10 | AtmaDharma is proud to present PDF copies of Pujya Shree lalchandbhai's own shastras which he has annotated - they are Samaysar, Niyamsar, Samaysar Kalash and Yogsar Prabrut. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/08/24 | Pravachan LA369 with subtitles in Hindi and Gujarati and PDF has been released - especially for Rakshabandhan containing 2 bhajans from BhedGnaan Bhajanavali that tell you the adhyatmik meaning of Rakshabandhan. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/08/21 | Pravachan LA043 and Pravachan LA269 have been updated to include Babuji Yugal KishoreJi's full gunanuvad and more of Lalchandbhai's lecture due to finding a missing part in another casette. - also both pravachans now have Hindi subtitles. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/08/19 |
The following shastras have been aded to the Jain Shastras/Books page:
2023/08/15 | Pravachan LA043 has been updated to include Babuji Yugal KishoreJi's full gunanuvad - also pravachan LA043 has now got Hindi subtitles along with Lalchandbhai's lecture. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/08/03 |
The following London Hall Pravachans have had audio added to the end of the video pravachan from the same audio series - this was missing from the videos and so has bee added:
2023/07/31 | Pravachan number Lon Hl 05 - The last 12 minutes of this pravachan from the audio have been added to the end of the video pravachan Lon Hl 05. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/07/30 | Pravachan number Lon Hl 03 - The last 2 minutes of this pravachan from the audio have been added to the end of the video pravachan Lon Hl 03. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/07/23 | More Pravachans new by Pujya Lalchandbhia Modi have been made available in the LA Series. We have now upto 432 pravachans in the LA Series. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/07/20 |
2023/07/08 |
2023/07/04 |
2023/06/01 |
2023/05/19 | A heartfelt invitation - वात्सल्य भरा मंगल आमंत्रण ! Pujya Lalchandbhai Modi's 114th Janma Jayanti Adhyatmik Shibir - पू. भाईश्री लालचंदभाई मोदी की ११४वीं जन्म जयंती आध्यात्मिक शिविर 26-29 May 2023, Rajkot - २६ से २९ मई २०२३, राजकोट Auspicious Invitation 114th JanmaJayanti: 1 minute 30seconds invitation video in हिन्दी, ગુજરાતી and English Shibir topic - शिविर का विषय:- Dravya Svabhav Paryay Svabhav (Nature of Sybstance and Nature of State) - द्रव्य स्वभाव पर्याय स्वभाव "नयपक्ष से अतिक्रांत भाषित वह समय का सार है " & | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023/04/01 |
2023/01/22 |
2023/01/05 |
2023/01/01 |
2022/11/23 |
2022/11/23 |
2022/11/20 |
2022/11/17 |
2022/11/09 |
2022/10/24 |
2022/10/13 |
2022/10/06 |
2022/09/29 |
2022/08/30 |
2022/07/27 |
2022/07/08 |
2022/06/28 |
2022/04/05 |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
2022/04/03 |
2022/02/23 |
For the first time on & Pujya Lalchandbhai's lectures are now being published with Video Subtitles.
2022/02/09 |
2022/02/06 |
2022/02/05 |
2021/11/09 |
2021/08/24 | To celebrate Pujya Bahenshree Champaben's Janma Jayanti: When Pujya GurudevShree Kanjiswami gave pravachans on Shree Samaysaar for the 6th time these were summarised in text form. The unique aspect of these shastras is that parts 3 onwards were summarised by two samyagdrashti atmas, Pujya Bahenshree Champaben and Pujya Shantaben. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2021/03/25 | In celebration of Pujya Shantabahen's 112th Janma Jayanti the following is now available in 2 formats: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2021/03/23 |
2020/12/29 |
2020/12/13 |
2020/12/10 |
2020/09/09 |
2020/05/23 |
Pujya Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 111th Janma Jayanti Adhyatmik Shibir will be celebrated on-line this year. To join in the celebrations and study please send a message on WhatsApp: +91-96648-57990. |
2020/01/29 |
The new design Jain Calendar for 2020 (from Oct 2019 to Mar 2021) is now available! |
2019/12/05 |
The word to word transcripts of the following lectures / pravachans are now available:
2019/10/28 |
![]() Happy Diwali and a Joyous New Year to everyone! To celebrate the word to word transcripts of the following lectures / pravachans are now available:
2019/10/01 |
The word to word transcripts of the following 2 lectures / pravachans are now available:
2019/09/28 |
The reasons why our diet should be Jain and Vegan has already been a part of AtmaDharma for a long time. However recently a brand new Tasty Healthy Jain Vegan Recipes section has been added to Atmadharma! Please explore the Tasty Healthy Jain Vegan Recipes and enjoy! |
2019/09/26 |
The first part of Pujya Gurudev Shree KanjiSwami's Pravachans from the year 1965 on Samaysaar Kalash Tika is now available as as a word to word transcript Amrut Kalash, Bhag 1 |
2019/05/14 |
In celebration of Shree Mahavir Bhagwan's KevalGnaan Kalyanak (celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan attaining Omnicience), the following are now available:
2019/05/07 |
On the auspicious day of "Akshay Trutiya" (Day when Shreyansh Kumar offered Ahar Daan to VrushabhDev Muniraaj) the following shastras are now available:
2019/03/24 |
The corrected Jain Calendar Version 2 for 2019 (from Nov 2018 to Feb 2020) is now available! The New Year's date has been corrected |
2019/01/13 |
The Jain Calendar for 2019 (from Nov 2018 to Feb 2020) is now available! |
2018/11/06 |
![]() Happy Diwali and a Joyous New Year to everyone! To celebrate & have been completely redesigned with the encouragement of Naitik & Rupaben Kamleshbhai Timbadia. The site is now mobile phone, tablet and laptop friendly! Do try it out and send feedback! The following new sections have also been added:-
Do try it out and send feedback on Contact Us- especially of any errors found! Thank you. |
2018/10/28 | In memory of Pujya Bahen Shantaben's Samyaktva Jayanti (self-realisation celebration) on gujarati date: Aaso Vad 4, the following is now available: ShantabenNu Jeevan (Jivan) Darshan. Pujya Shree Shantaben's Life story composed by Ramaben Parekh, Devlali There will more of Pujya Shantaben's material on AtmaDharma soon. |
2018/08/01 | The following shastras are now available: The word to word transcripts of Pujya KanjiSwami's lectures on Shree Samaysaar from the 15th public reading are now available in the Samaysaar Vaibhav series. The complete set is expected to be in 21 volumes. Of those, the first 14 are now available here. The rest will be added as they become available. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018/07/01 | Nairobi -1978 Pujya Lalchandbhai was sent to Kenya by Shree Kanji Swami for the Nairobi Mandir's inaugration. The 31 Nairobi pravachans are only available in audio format. The reels have deteriorated and the sound quality was very poor. The sound has been processed to make it understandable. Your patience and effort will be richly rewarded when listening to these pravachans | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018/05/23 | The 1st eleven lectures by Pujya Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi in text format are now available online. The full pravachan index (including new typed lectures) is given in the last column of the table from following link: Lalchandbhai's Word-to-Word Pravachans / Lectures- Index | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018/03/17 | Following your requests, the Shatras (Jain Books) have now been updated to allow highlighting, comment authoring, etc. with your PDF reader. We think you will find this feature valuable - so don't forget to download the new versions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018/01/13 |
2017/08/05 | The following Word-to-Word lecture is now available:
2017/07/10 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Veer Shashan Jayanti (Celebration of day when Mahavir Swami's Divya Dhwani Started) we are proud to publish:
2017/06/20 | From 30th June to 2nd June 2017 a celebration of Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 108th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration) took place in Rajkot followed by a 2 day celebration for the grand openings of Shree Kundkund Acharya Bhavan and the Shree Amrutchandra Acharya Bhavan - these are 2 new halls in the grounds of the Rajkot Mandir dedicated to the life histories and works of the two Acharyas.
On the auspicious occasion of Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarachand Modi's 108th Janma Jayanti, Shree Kundkund KahanAmrut Prabhavna Mandir Trust is proud to launch:
Pujya Lalchandbhai Adhyatmik Jinvani Group
Once a month:
2017/04/09 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 83rd Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion:
2017/03/11 | The following shastra is now available:
2017/03/09 | The following shastra is now available:
2017/02/28 | The following shastra is now available:
2017/01/30 | The Jain Calendar for 2017 (from Nov 2016 to Feb 2018) is now available!. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2017/01/22 | The following shastra is now available: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2016/05/08 | To celebrate Gurudev Kanji Swami's 127th Janma Jayanti the following are now available:
2016/04/19 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 82nd Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion:
2016/01/03 | A mobile friendly 2015-2016-2017 Calendar is now available. This calendar will always display the current month first. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2015/11/11 & 2015/11/12 | To celebrate Diwali and the New Year the following are now available: |
2015/11/03 |
At, our aim is to present only true, original and authenticated material - the book "Vegetarian Food & Jain Conduct" has been presented as it is. However
2015/09/18 | In celebration of pariyushan:
2015/05/22 & 2015/05/27 | In celebration of: * ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja) and * Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 106th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration): |
2015/04/20 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 81st Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following video lectures are now available:
2014/12/26 | A mobile friendly 2014-2015-2016 Calendar is now available - This has been constructed using the Shree Todarmal Smarak Bhavan, Jaipur calendar & the Shree Digamber Jain Swadhyay Mandir Trust, Songadh. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2014/11/13 | In remembrance of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life) the following are now available:
2014/10/23 & 2014/10/24 | ![]()
2014/09/03 & 2014/09/02 | On the 4th & 5th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Sauch (Supreme Purity) & Uutam Satya (Supreme Truth) new video & audio lectures are available:
2014/08/12 | In celebration of Pujya Bahenshree Champabens 101st Janma Jaynati, the following is now available:
2014/07/29 | Two new main topic area being added to Atmadharma
2014/06/02 & 2014/06/07 | In celebration of: * ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja) and * Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 105th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration):
2014/05/17 | In memory of BahenShree Champabahen's Samadhi din (day when Bahenshree passed onto the next life), the following shastras are now available:
2014/05/09 | In celebration of Shree Mahavir Bhagwan's KevalGnaan Kalyanak (celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan attaining Omnicience), the following is now available:
2014/05/01 | In celebration of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's 125th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following shastras are now available:
2014/04/22 | The Page titled "MINIMISE SUFFERING EVEN AMONGST ONE-SENSED BEINGS" in Vegetarian Food and Jain conduct has been corrected - please be sure to download the correct version | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2014/04/19 | In memory of Shreemad Rajchandraji's Samadhi Din (day when Shreemad Rajchandraji passed onto the next life), the following:
2014/04/13 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 80th Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following video lectures are now available:
2014/03/26 | In celebration of BahenShree Champabahen's 82th Samyaktva (Correct Belief & Knowledge) Jayanti (Celebration), the following shastra is now available:
2014/03/05 | The following shastra is now available:-
2014/02/25 | The following shastra has been updated - the Prastavna pages have been put into text format instead of scan format so that the pages are easier to read and the shastra file size is smaller and so quicker to download:
2014/02/08 | In remembrance of Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's Samadhi din (day when Lalchandbhai passed onto the next life) - which is on 8 February this year, the following is now available:
2014/01/20 | The 2013-2014-2015 Calendar is now available - This has been constructed using the Shree Todarmal Smarak Bhavan, Jaipur calendar & the Shree Digamber Jain Swadhyay Mandir Trust, Songadh. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2013/12/25 | We know it's not yet the 25th ... but since the data was ready .. we thought the announcement should go ahead early ... so ......In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Acharya Padvi day the following 55 shastras are now available:
2013/11/25 | In remembrance of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life) the following are now available:
2013/11/03 | To celebrate Diwali and the New Year the following are now available:
Full 1 hour length video lectures in MP4 by Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami are now available to view online or download:- Full 1 hour length video lectures in MP4 by Pujya Lalchandbhai Modi are now available to view online or download:- Word-to-Word transcript of Lectures by Shree Kanji Swami on Pravachansaar Gathas 184-200 - Pravachan Sudha Part 8 (Gujarati) |
2013/09/30 | For those of you considering becoming Jain Vegans, after seeing Dairy farming and Hinsa (Cruelty) - Should we as Jains consume milk products?, further information by Dr Jina Shah, M.D. M.P.H. may help you along the way: The talk is in English & Gujarati. Don't just read the key points - watch the videos - they are far more informative. |
2013/09/20 | Wishing all AtmaDharma readers Micchami Dukhadam / Uttam Kshama Every Jain should ensure they are not the cause of hinsa / cruelty to any soul especially a 5-sensed animal. AtmaDharma has recently discovered how this hinsa is happening due to all of us. Please see the following to understand:
2013/06/18 & 2013/06/13 | In celebration of: * ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja) and * Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration):
2013/02/26 | In remembrance of Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's Samadhi din (day when Lalchandbhai passed onto the next life) - which was on 19 February this year, the following is now available:
2013/01/22 | Version 2 of the 2012-2013-2014 Calendar is now available - Thanks to Priyanka Jain for reporting ther error on Version 1. |
2013/01/05 | No special tithi today ...we just didn't want to wait to announce that ...:
2012/05/02 | The length of Lalchanbhais London Audio Hall pravachan number 2 too short - we have extracted the audio from the video and the full length pravachan is now available online. See Lalchanbhais London Hall 2 - correct length. Click on the "London" tab once the page is displayed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2012/04/05 | In celebrartion of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 77th Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following shastra is now avaiable:
2012/03/17 | In celebrartion of BahenShree Champabahen's 80th Samyaktva (Correct Belief & Knowledge) Jayanti, the following shastra is now avaiable:
2012/02/01 | In remembrance of Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's Samadhi din (day when Lalchandbhai passed onto the next life), the following is now available:
2011/12/18 | In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Acharya Padvi day the following are now available:
2011/11/17 & 18 | In remembrance of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life) the following:
2011/10/21 | An inspiring video biography of Pujya Nihalchandrabhai Sogani has been produced as part of the celebrations of his 100th year. The biography is in two languages, English and Hindi. Both of these videos are now available for viewing online or to download. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2011/09/20 | No special tithi today ...we just didn't want to wait to announce that ...:
2011/09/13 | On the Uutam Kshamavani Day the following is now available:
2011/09/11 | On the 10th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Bramcharya (Supreme Celibacy) the following shastras have been donated:
2011/09/02 | On the 1st day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Kshama (Supreme Forbearance) the following shastras have been donated:
2011/07/16 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Veer Shashan Jayanti (Celebration of day when Mahavir Swami's Divya Dhwani Started) the following shastras have been donated:
2011/06/10 & 2011/06/06 | In celebration of:- * ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja and * Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 102st Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following shastras have been donated:
2011/05/20 | In memory of BahenShree Champabahen's Samadhi din (day when Bahenshree passed onto the next life), the following shastras have been donated:
2011/05/12 | In celebration of Shree Mahavir Bhagwan's KevalGnaan Kalyanak (celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan attaining Omnicience), the following shastras have been donated:
2011/05/05 | In celebration of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's 122nd Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following shastras have been donated:
2011/04/16 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) & 77th Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following shastras have been donated:
2011/03/28 | In celebration of BahenShree Champabahen's 79th Samyaktva Jayanti, the following shastras have been donated:
2010/12/16 | No special tithi today ...we just didn't want to wait to announce that ...:
2010/11/28 | In remembrance of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life) the following:
2010/11/21 | To celebrate Shreemad Rajchandra's Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following are now available:-
2010/11/06 | To celebrate Diwali and the New Year the following are now available:-
2010/09/24 | On the Uutam Kshamavani Day the following is now available:
2010/06/20 | In celebration of Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's 101st Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following: |
2010/06/16 | In celebration of ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja), the following: |
2010/05/30 | In remembrance of BahenShree Champabahens Samadhi din (day when Bahenshree passed onto the next life), the following:
2010/05/23 | In celebration of Shree Mahavir Bhagwan's Keval-Kalyanak (celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan attaining Omnicience), the following:
2010/05/15 | In celebration of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's 121th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following:
2010/04/03 | In memory of Shreemad Rajchandraji's Samadhi Din (day when Shreemad Rajchandraji passed onto the next life), the following:
2010/03/28 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) and in celebration of 76th Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following:
2010/03/10 | In celebration of BahenShree Champabahen's 78th Samyaktva Jayanti the following:
2010/02/12 | Screen Wallpapers - Thanks to Harshit Doshi we now have two beautiful colour 2010 Jain calendar wallpapers for you to download! |
2010/01/25 | The 2009-2010 Calendar is now available in FINAL format - This has been constructed using the Shree Digamber Jain Swadhyay Mandir Trust, Songadh, Gujarat calendar & Shree Todarmal Smarak Bhavan, Jaipur calendar. |
2010/01/24 | In remembrance of Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modi's Samadhi din (day when Lalchandbhai passed onto the next life), the following:
2010/01/22 | Our second simultaneous publication of a text in paper and electronic forms:
2010/01/20 | In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Janma din (birthday) the following:
2009/12/09 | In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Acharya Padvi day the following:
2009/11/09 | In remembrance of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life) the following:
2009/11/02 | To celebrate Shreemad Rajchandra's Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration) the following:
2009/10/18 | To celebrate Diwali and the New Year the following bhaktis are now available:
2009/09/05 | On the Uutam Kshamavani Day the following:
2009/09/04 | On the last day of Ratnatrai Vrat (Vow) - Ratnatrai means: Samyakt Darshan (Correct Belief), Samyakt Gnaan (Correct Knowledge) and Samyakt Charitra (Correct Conduct) the following:
2009/09/03 | On the 10th (last) day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Bramcharya (Supreme Celibacy) the following:
2009/09/02 | On the 9th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Akinchan (Supreme Non-Attachment) the following:
2009/09/01 | On the 8th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Tyag (Supreme Renunciation) the following:
2009/08/31 | On the 7th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Tup (Supreme Austerity) the following:
2009/08/29 | On the 6th day of Pariyushan Parva -Uutam Sanyam (Supreme Self-Restraint) the following:
2009/08/28 | On the 5th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Satya (Supreme Truth)) the following:
2009/08/27 | On the 4th day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Shauch (Supreme Purity) the following:
2009/08/26 | On the 3rd day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Arjav (Supreme Straight-forwardness) the following:
2009/08/25 | On the 2nd day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Mardav (Supreme Modesty) the following:
2009/08/24 | On the 1st day of Pariyushan Parva - Uutam Kshama (Supreme Forbearance) the following:
2009/08/08 | On BahenShree Champabahen's 96th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration) the following:
2009/08/05 | On Raksha Bandhan - To celebrate when Shree VishnuKumar Muniraj saved Shree Akampan and other 700 Munirajs from an Oopsurg the following:
2009/07/08 | On Mahavir Bhagwan's Veer Shashan Jayanti - Celebration of the day when Mahavir Swami's Divya Dhwani Started, the following:
2009/06/25 | Shree Pravachansaar (Gujarati - Typed) has been updated to version 3 - font embedding errors have been corrected - you should all be able to see all the characters without installing any fonts. Thanks to Mahavir Sheth for pointing out the error. Be sure to download the latest version now |
2009/06/01 | On Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modis 100th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following:
2009/05/28 | On ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja), the following:
2009/05/12 | In remembrance of BahenShree Champabahens Samadhi din (day when Bahenshree passed onto the next life), the following:
2009/05/04 | In celebration of Shree Mahavir Bhagwan's Keval-Kalyanak (celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan attaining Omnicience), the following:
2009/04/26 | In celebration of Gurudev Shree Kanji Swami's 120th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following:
2009/04/14 | In remembrance of Shreemad Rajchandraji's Samadhi Din (day when Shreemad Rajchandraji passed onto the next life) , the following:
2009/04/07 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Janma Kalyanak (birthday celebration) and 75th Jayanti of Shree KanjiSwami's conversion, the following:
2009/03/21 | In celebration of BahenShree Champabahen's 77th Samyaktva Jayanti, the following:
2009/02/05 | Shree AshtPahud (Hindi - Typed) has been updated to version 3 - further typing errors have been corrected. Thanks to Arun Jain for pointing out the errors. Be sure to download the latest version now |
2009/02/04 | In remembrance of Shree Lalchand Amarchand Modi's Samadhi din (day when Lalchandbhai passed onto the next life), the following:
2009/01/31 | In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Acharya Janma din (birthday), the following:
2008/12/23 | The following audio lectures are now available, to listen on-line or to download:
2008/12/19 | In celebration of KundKund Acharya's Acharya Padvi day, the following:
2008/11/28 | The following audio files from the Samaysaar 19th Series were found to be in error - the correct files have now been uploaded.Please download the latest audio files: |
2008/11/19 | In remembrance Pujya GurudevShree Kanji Swami on his Samadhi din (day when Gurudev passed onto the next life), the following:-
2008/10/28 | In celebration of Diwali, the following:-
2008/10/10 | The freely downloadable colour Jain calendar for 2008/2009 is now available on
2008/09/14 | In celebration of the tenth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Bramcharya (Supreme Celibacy), the following:-
2008/09/13 | In celebration of the nineth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Akinchan (Supreme Non-Attachment), the following:-
2008/09/12 | In celebration of the eighth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Tyag (Supreme Renunciation), the following:-
2008/09/11 | In celebration of the seventh day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Tup (Supreme Austerity), the following:-
2008/09/10 | In celebration of the sixth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Sanyam (Supreme Self-Restraint), the following:-
2008/09/09 | In celebration of the fifth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Satya (Supreme Truth), the following:-
2008/09/08 | In celebration of:
2008/09/07 | In celebration of the fourth day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Shauch (Supreme Purity), the following:-
2008/09/06 | In celebration of the third day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Arjav (Supreme Straight-forwardness), the following:-
2008/09/05 | In celebration of the second day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Mardav (Supreme Modesty), the following:-
2008/09/04 | In celebration of the first day of Das Luxan Paryushan Parva, Uutam Kshama (Supreme Forbearance), the following:-
2008/08/16 | In celebration of Raksha Bandhan (when Shree VishnuKumar Muniraj saved Shree Akampan and other 700 Munirajs from an Oopsurg), the following:-
2008/07/19 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwan's Veer Shashan Jayanti - Celebration of day when Mahavir Swami's Divya Dhwani Started), the following:-
2008/06/12 | In celebration of Pujya Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modis 99th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following:-
2008/06/08 | In celebration of ShrutPanchmi (Auspicious Day for ShutKhundAgam, etc. Shastra Puja) , the following:-
2008/05/23 | In remembrance of BahenShree Champabahen's Samadhi din (day when Bahenshree passed onto the next life), the following:-
2008/05/14 | In celebration of Mahavir Bhagwans Keval Gnaan Kalyanak, the following:-
2008/05/07 | In celebration of Gurudev Shree Kanjiswami’s 119th Janma Mahotsav (birthday celebration), the following:-
2008/04/25 | In memory of Shreemad Rajchandraji's Samadhi din (day when Shreemad Rajchandraji passed onto the next life), the following:
2008/04/18 | In celebration of Bhagwan Mahavir's Janma Kalyanak (Birth Celebration) the following:
2008/03/07 | The following shastras have been added:-
2008/02/28 | Thanks to Tejas Vora we now have a beautiful painting of Gurudev Shree Kanjiswami studying Samaysaar available! |
2008/02/15 | In memory of Shree Lalchandbhai Amarchand Modis Samadhi Din (Magh Sud 9) the following:-
2008/02/09 | Finally the 2007-2008 Jain Calendar is now available. We are sorry for the delay. As you know the online calendar is based both on the Jaipur and Songadh printed calendars. Although we received the Jaipur calendar early it does not contain all the dates included in the online calendar. And unfortunately, we only just received the printed calendar from Songadh last week! If there is anyone in India who gets the Songadh calendar (it should be available around Diwali each year) - then perhaps you could help speed up getting the online calendar, online by e-mailing us scanned pages of the Songadh calendar? Please get in touch with us on Contact Us if you can help? Also, if you find the online Jain Calendar useful, then perhaps you could ask the Songadh calendar producers to do a 5 or 10 year rolling version? Please do get in touch with Songadh by e-mail, post and phone if you would like to see a 5 or 10 year rolling calendar. |
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