Jain Hot Topics & Video Shorts - Topics that are hot/controversial
Here are a list of topics which, for whatever reason have become topical, along with a referenced explanation.
If you find any information related to these topics which you would like to share with us then please e-mail us on: Contact Us3. Date: 2024-06-15 --->जैन धर्म के २ मूल सिद्धांत - જૈન ધર્મના ૨ મૂળભૂત સિદ્ધાંતો - 2 fundamental principles of Jainism
पूज्य लालचंदभाई की ११५वीं जन्मजयंती महोत्सव के उपलक्ष में, प्रस्तुत है आत्मार्थियों के लिए पूज्य गुरुदेवश्री की अमूल्य भेंट પૂજ્ય લાલચંદભાઈની ૧૧૫મી જન્મજયંતી મહોત્સવના પ્રસંગે, પ્રસ્તુત છે આત્માર્થીયો માટે પૂજ્ય ગુરૂદેવશ્રીની અમૂલ્ય ભેંટ For Pujya Lalchandbhai's 115th Janma Jayanti, here is a priceless gift for Atmarthis from Pujya GurudevShree KanjiSwami GurudevShree KanjiSwami's 19th series Pravachans on Shree Samaysaar, Pravachan number 409 of 13 June 1980 - Starting from 40 minute 20 seconds to the end of the pravachan. તેથી પૂજ્ય ગુરુદેવશ્રી કાનજીસ્વામી અને પૂજ્ય લાલચંદભાઈ મોદીએ તેમના ઉપદેશોમાં નીચેના મૂળભૂત સિદ્ધાંતોનું વર્ણન કર્યું છે - इसलिए पूज्य गुरुदेवश्री कांजीस्वामी और पूज्य लालचंदभाई मोदी ने उपने उपदेशों में निम्नलिखित मूलभूत सिद्धांतों का वर्णन किया है - Hence Pujya Gurudevshri Kanjiswami and Pujya Lalchandbhai Modi have described the following fundamental principles in their sermons- હું જાણનાર છું; હું કરનાર નથી.
જાણનારો જણાય છે; ખરેખર પર જણાતું નથી. - मैं जाननहार हूॅ, मैं करनार नहीं हूॅ।
जाननहार ही जानने में आता है, वास्तव में पर जानने में नहीं आता। - I am a knower, I am not a doer.
The knower is being known; in reality non-self is not being known.
2. Date: 2024-06-08 ---> Indriya Gyan .... Gyan Nathi - इन्द्रिय ज्ञान .… ज्ञान नहीं है
इन्द्रिय ज्ञान .… ज्ञान नहीं है ब्र. सुमतप्रकाश का अभिप्राय - ललितपुर शिक्षण-प्रशिक्षण शिविर में २७-५-२०२४ को हुए प्रवचन की क्लिप तो ज्ञानी क्या कहते हैं? १. पूज्य गुरुदेव श्री कानजीस्वामी के उद्गार २. 'इन्द्रिय ज्ञान .… ज्ञान नहीं है' पुस्तक के अंदर वास्तव में क्या है? ३. पूज्य लालचंदभाई मोदी के उद्गार Watch 12 minute video: 🔽1. Date: 2014-07-29 ---> Eight rochak pradesh
Since 2011, there have been suggestions that:
- No, the statement is not true. The statement is false.
- We list below two references from Shree KanjiSwami's pravachans that state the truth and give the logic why that statement cannot be true.
- You can listen to the actual audio by clicking on the links below.
- A transcript in Gujarati and Hindi is also available for downloading.
Description of reference | Link to Audio pravachan | word-to-word transcript of the audio in Gujarati (PDF) | word-to-word transcript of the audio in "Lippy English" |
Samaysaar Kalash Tika, Pravachan No 102, Kalash 116, Date: 22-Dec-1967 - Magshar Vad 6, Fri, from 28min to 28min 30 sec. | Samaysaar Kalash Tika, Pravachan No 102 | Hot topics: Aath Rochak_Pradesh | Starting at: 28min "Kyank shoodhi che ane kyank ashoodhi che ne - aath (8) pradesh shoodh che ane bija ashoodh che - tem che nahi, tem kahe che ahiya. Aave che ne bija ma, aath (8) roochak pradesh shoodh che. He? Ahi toh kahe baddha ashoodh che paryaaye toh - asankhyat pradeshey paryaay ashoodh che." Ending at: 28min 30sec |
Punchastikaai, Pravachan No 42, Gatha 41, Date: 19-Jan-1970 - Posh Sud 12, Mon, from 17min 30sec to 18min | Punchastikaai, Pravachan No 42 | Hot topics: Aath Rochak_Pradesh | Starting at: 17min 30sec "Asankhya pradesh ma j te jaatnu aavran che. Samjanu kai? Koi pradesho khula che - aath (8) roochak ne bija aachadan che tem nathi, tem siddh kare che. Swetamber ma aave che aath (8) roochak niraavaran - khula che. Khulo hoi toh asankhyamo bhaag khulo thai gayo. Asankhyamo bhaag khulo thata kevalgnaan no asankhyamo bhaag pragat thai gayo. Ane asankhyamo bhaag pragat thata lok-alok jaane ene, karan ke tethi anantguni janvani shakti che." Ending at: 18min |