Now, whatever object has been known by Mati Jnana, through its reference the knowledge by which another object is known is called Shrut-Jnana (scriptural knowledge). It is of two kinds:- 1.Aksharatmaka (lettered or verbal) and 2.Anaksharatmaka (letterless or non-verbal). For example, someone listens to or sees the word 'JAR' - that knowledge (produced in the person) is Mati-Jnana (sensory knowledge) and the knowledge of the object 'JAR' arising with its reference is called Shrut-Jnana (scriptural knowledge). Likewise other examples also are to be known. This is 'Aksharatmaka Shrut-Jnana'. Further, knowledge of cold arising through sense of touch is Mati-Jnana, with its reference the knowledge evolved that 'this is not beneficial, hence better to run away (from here)' is Shrut-Jnana. Similarly, other examples can also be given. This is Anaksharatmaka Shrut-Jnana.

The one-sensed etc., irrational beings (Jivas without mind) possess 'Anaksharatmaka-Shrut-Jnana' only and rational beings (Jivas with mind) possess both types of Shrut-Jnana. So this Shrut-Jnana is thus dependent even on Mati-Jnana which itself is dependent in many ways and it (shrut-jnana) is dependent on various other factors also; hence, it is to be known as extremely dependent.