Tasty Jain Vegan Recipes for Health > Vegetable Salad with Chutney3

- Chilli
- Apple
- Avocado
- Tomato (small quantity)
- Courgette
- Raw shelled peas
- Raw sweetcorn
- Tomato
- Avocado
- Sweet red peppers
- Sweet green peppers
- Pomegranate
- Blend the chilli, apple, avocado and some tomato
- Deseed the pomegranate into a bowl
- Deseed the sweetcorn and add to the bowl
- Grate the courgette and add to the bowl
- Add raw shelled peas to the mixture
- Finely chop the tomato and add to the mixture
- Finely chop the avocado and add to the mixture
- Slice the sweet red and green peppers and add to the mixture
- Mix the salad well
Video Recipe/Pictures
Vegetable Salad with Chutney3 View 1

Vegetable Salad with Chutney3 View 2
