Tasty Jain Vegan Recipes for Health > Vegetable Salad with Chutney 1

- Tomato
- Fresh coconut
- Chilli
- Rock salt
- Lime juice
- Courgette
- Cucumber
- Tomato
- Sweet coloured peppers
- Ladyfingers
- Raw sweetcorn
- French beans
- Lime juice
- Blend all the chutney ingredients adding salt and chilli to taste
- Wash and dry the ladyfingers (dry thoroughly to stop them becoming sticky)
- Grate the courgette and add to a bowl
- Julienne slice the cucumber and mix with courgette
- Deseed the sweetcorn and add to the mixture
- Cube the peppers and tomato and add to the mixture
- Slice the french beans and add to the mixture
- Slice the ladyfingers and add to the mixture
- Add lime juice to taste and mix all the ingredients well
Serve the salad with chutney on the side
Video Recipe/Pictures
Vegetable Salad with Chutney View 1
