Tasty Jain Vegan Recipes for Health > Fruit Salad with Nut Milk and Fruit Ice Cream

Fruit Salad
- Grapes
- Nut milk (Here's a video recipe to make Nut Milk in 5-8 minutes)
- Nuts and seeds of choice for decoration (I used brazil nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds)
- Frozen cut strawberry pieces
- Frozen banana slices
- Slice grapes into serving bowl and add nut milk to the grapes
- To make the ice-cream squeeze banana and strawberry peices through the pasta attachment of the machine (your machine needs to be strong enough to process frozen fruit otherwise the machine may be damaged)
- Decorate with nuts and seeds of your choice
- Enjoy immediately!
Video Recipe/Pictures
Method Video
Fruit Salad with IceCream
