Tasty Jain Vegan Recipes for Health > Five recipes

Ingredients for Stuffing 1
- Grated fresh coconut
- Grated butternut squash
- Freshly deseeded sweetcorn
- Grated raw mango
- Ground spices: rock salt, chilli powder, cinamon, clove, cumin seeds, corriander seeds
- Fresh lime juice
Ingredients for Stuffing 2
- Tomato cores scooped from Item 1 Method (see Stuffed Tomatoes Method below)
- Avocado
- Tindoda
- Freshley deseeded sweetcorn
Ingredients for Item 1: Stuffed Tomatoes
- Large tomatoes
- Stuffing 2
Ingredients for Item 2: Stuffed Capsicums
- Large capsicum peppers
- Stuffing 1
Ingredients for Item 3: Stuffed Mini Peppers
- Mini peppers
- Stuffing 2
Ingredients for Item 4: Cooked Butternut Squash with Sweetcorn
- Butternut squash
- Freshly deeseded sweetcorn
- Fresh lime juice
Ingredients for Item 5: Vegetable Salad
- Diced avocado
- Grated chayote
- Sliced red pepper
- Fresh deseeed sweetcorn
- Fresh lime juice
Method for Stuffing 1
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Stuffing 1 is ready
Method for Item 1: Stuffed Tomatoes
- Cut the top of each tomato, scoop out middle and save for Stuffing 2
- Fill each tomato with stuffing 1 and put the top back on - ready to serve
Method for Item 2: Stuffed Capsicums
- Cut each capsicum into half and remove seeds
- Fill each capsicum with Stuffing 1 - ready to serve
Method for Stuffing 2
- Grind tomato cores scooped out from tomato (Item 1) wiith green chilli and avocado
- Add raw tindoda chooped and raw sweetcorn and mix thoroughly. Stuffing 2 is ready
Method for Item 3: Stuffed Mini Peppers
- Cut each mini peppers into half and remove seeds
- Fill each mini pepper with Stuffing 2 - ready to serve
Method for Item 4: Cooked Butternut Squash with Sweetcorn
- Dice butternut squash and cook at very low temperature (low flame) without adding any liquid
- Once half cooked add raw sweet corn and lime juice and cook till tender - ready to serve
Method for Item 5: Vegetable Salad
- Mix all salad ingredients thoroughly and serve
Video Recipe/Pictures
Five recipes
